We thought we’d heed the advice to use public transport instead of our car. It was certainly an experience.
We’re going by bus!
It’ll be much less fuss
If we go on the bus down to Brighton.
We won’t use the car
For the bus stop’s not far –
It’s the stop for the bus down to Brighton.
We wait and we wait,
Then a bus arrives, late;
So we check it’s the bus down to Brighton.
It says on its screen
That it’s route seventeen,
Which is right for the bus down to Brighton.
The door opens wide,
So we scramble inside
And sit down in the bus down to Brighton.
The driver, a man,
Drives as fast as he can
At the wheel of the bus down to Brighton.
But the driver is good:
He slows down when he should,
And takes care of the bus down to Brighton.
Now there’s road works ahead
And the traffic light’s red,
And it’s stopping the bus down to Brighton.
Soon, we hear the bell “Ding!”
As some passengers ring,
And they get off the bus down to Brighton.
As soon as they’ve gone,
Several others jump on,
For they, too, want the bus down to Brighton.
As we sit here inside
We watch green countryside
Passing by, from the bus down to Brighton.
On the fields, as we peer,
We see sheep, cows and deer,
All ignoring the bus down to Brighton.
And now we can see
It’s the A23,
And it’s taking the bus down to Brighton.
Look, look! There’s the pier!
It’s Brighton! We’re here!
And we get off the bus down to Brighton.