
A local enthusiast has plotted the course of Sussex’s River Arun across the range of Wealden geology using the impressive perspective imaging power of Google Earth.

Flying high in the sky with our friend Google Earth,
Looking down on the Weald’s massive horseshoe-like girth,
You can see all the rivers, the North and South Downs,
The roads and the railways, the hamlets, the towns.

You can see how the Horn Brook, on Tunbridge Wells Sands,
Feeds into the Arun on Wealden Clay lands;
How the Horsham Stone ridge makes it flow to the west
Before it turns south in its sea-level quest;

How the Rother, frustrated by Chalk, joins the flow
Near the Wild Brooks that Google Earth sees down below;
Over Greensands (not green, but an iron-oxide shade),
Through the Downs in a gap that the Arun once made.

Then it winds over terraces laid in times past,
Past steep-sided hangers until, at long last,
The voice of the sea calls, “Your journey was worth it,
And people will know they can now Google-Earth it!”

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