
I grew up with a vague notion about ‘posh’ people. I didn’t actually know any, although there was an ‘auntie’ who seemed that way to me.

Posh houses had Bow Windows,
Posh houses had no dust,
Posh houses smelled of Polish
And housed the Upper Crust.

Posh people had Hall Tables,
Black Telephones and Wine.
Posh people had a Motor Car
Which took them out to Dine.

Posh families had smart new clothes
In all the Latest Styles.
Posh families had all their teeth,
Which gave them Radiant Smiles.

Posh Man would work in London,
Travelling First Class on the train.
Posh Wife would have her friends round
Till he came back again.

Posh Children went to Prep School
For a Private Education,
Which kept them safely distant
From kids below their station.

Absorbing this as I grew up
From things that people said,
I didn’t fancy ‘Posh’ at all –
I’d just be Me instead.

[Photo: Wikimedia Commons]
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