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Copyright & contact:
Gordon Judge, 1999 to present. Please contact me at if you'd like to use any of the poems.Thanks:
With thanks to my sources of inspiration: my wife and her Open University books; Horsham Geological Field Club, its speakers and field trips; my son for sharing his internet space; and, er, well, life, really.
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Al Fresco is innocent!
What are the neighbours up to? Continue reading
Willie the worm
A sartorial lesson. Young Willie the worm Liked to wriggle and squirm As he burrowed his way through the dirt. But he wondered one day, In a worm sort of way, What life would be like in a shirt. “A … Continue reading
Slow Joe
Be careful what you wish for! Continue reading
Scratching the surface
The Earth is not impressed . . . Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Earth, Geology, Ignorance, Plate tectonics, Seismic surveys, Stratigraphy
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Boring Chalk
For a tunneller, certain Chalk strata have undesirable characteristics, such as the presence of hard flints or sand-like phosphatic chalk. Tunnelling is expensive, but so are delays and damage to tunnel boring machines which hit unexpected geology. So engineers planning … Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Chalk, Geologists, Geology, Ignorance, Mortimore (Rory), Stratigraphy
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Here in Horsham
It’s the place to be! Continue reading
A short Planck
If there’s anything shorter, we wouldn’t be able to measure it. Continue reading