In previous years, these pot plants with their colourful bracts have been big sellers in the weeks before Christmas. But this year, with only a few days to go, the shops and garden centres seemed to have huge numbers left unsold. Perhaps there were other attractions.
We’re Christmas Poinsettias, stacked up on the shelves
Next to old Santa, his grotto and elves.
We’re very attractive (well, we think we are)
The loveliest present for Christmas, by far.
Long hours in darkness we willingly spent
To colour our bracts up in time for Advent.
The shop’s very busy, and people are eyeing us . . .
But they’re walking straight past us – why’s nobody buying us?
It seems we must face it: the fact is, this Yule,
The followers of fashion all think we’re uncool.
Our chances of being in every home dwindle
As customers fight to snap up the last Kindle.
But nil desperandum: there’s just one last chance –
Will Boxing Day discounting give us a chance?
We’re not very hopeful, though; everyone reckons
We’ve had it, we’re doomed. The compost heap beckons . . .