Mending things

It’s very frustrating . . .

I used to be good at mending things
In the old days when all things were mendable.
When things go wrong now, you can’t take them apart,
You must throw them away – they’re expendable.

It started with valves (the electrical sort):
You had to replace them with new.
And likewise transistors; but it soon became clear
This was not economic to do.

So next a whole circuit board had to be swapped
(Who cared which part was defective?)
Now, sometimes the entire bit of kit must be ditched,
For to mend it is not cost-effective.

You used to be able to see how things worked
By getting inside them to see;
Now modern technology’s hidden the works
That interested people like me.

I used to be good at mending things
In the old days when things were repairable.
So bring me your old stuff that’s ground to a halt.
I will mend it, and life will be bearable!

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