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Copyright & contact:
Gordon Judge, 1999 to present. Please contact me at if you'd like to use any of the poems.Thanks:
With thanks to my sources of inspiration: my wife and her Open University books; Horsham Geological Field Club, its speakers and field trips; my son for sharing his internet space; and, er, well, life, really.
Monthly Archives: January 2020
In a spin
4.6 billion years is a long time to be doing the same thing over and over again . . . Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Astronomy, Earth, Evolution, Homo sapiens, Oxygen, Planets, Red giant, Solar system, Sun
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Putting a name to it
What’s in a name? Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Aether, Atoms, Big Bang, Caloric, Canals, Crystal spheres, Dark energy, Dark matter, Epicycles, Gravity, Humours, Impetus, Inertia, Mars, Mass, Names, Phlogiston, Reality, Terra australis, Vis viva, Vulcan
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How a mouse helped to solve a mystery Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Mice, Oxygen, Phlogiston, Priestley, Joseph, Science, Stahl, Georg
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