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Copyright & contact:
Gordon Judge, 1999 to present. Please contact me at if you'd like to use any of the poems.Thanks:
With thanks to my sources of inspiration: my wife and her Open University books; Horsham Geological Field Club, its speakers and field trips; my son for sharing his internet space; and, er, well, life, really.
Tag Archives: Language
Stork tork
These are definitely not the sort that (allegedly) deliver babies. Continue reading
Too good a word to be left as a noun. Continue reading
Subordinate clauses
A grandchild’s new weapon. Continue reading
Just so
It’s the new Well . . . Continue reading
A principal principle
AAH is a local independent monthly free magazine. It is produced by a two-man editorial-photographic team to a seriously high standard. Lapses are very rare, but this one caught my eye and wouldn’t let it go until I’d written to … Continue reading
A challenge to the English language Continue reading
Ache’s and pain’s?
Yes, from this advert! Continue reading
It’s not always quite as straightforward as adding an apostrophe–s, as I found when I consulted the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors and Hart’s Rules. The possessive of words, I confess Is often a cause of great stress. The … Continue reading
Apostrophe aid
A flower in the wrong place? Continue reading
Green hills
In need of security measures Continue reading
Sign of the times
Watch your language! Continue reading