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Copyright & contact:
Gordon Judge, 1999 to present. Please contact me at if you'd like to use any of the poems.Thanks:
With thanks to my sources of inspiration: my wife and her Open University books; Horsham Geological Field Club, its speakers and field trips; my son for sharing his internet space; and, er, well, life, really.
Tag Archives: Pests
Growing organic
Why pick on me? Continue reading
Plan of atttack
At bug HQ Continue reading
Wildlife friendly
With friends like these . . . Continue reading
Seeds of destruction
A solution to all your gardening problems Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Decking, Gardening, Nature, Pests, Pigeons, Slugs, Snails, Tichmarsh (Alan)
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Not all things are bright and beautiful Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged AIDS, Ants, Aphids, Athlete's foot, Bed-bugs, Bluebottles, BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), Bulldogs, Cancer, Canker, CJD (Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease), Club root, Crabs, Dachshunds, Diseases, Fleas, Flies, Foot-and-mouth disease, Gallstones, Gnats, Hymns, Jellyfish, Lampreys, Leeches, Lice, Locusts, ME (myalgic encephalopathy), Mealy bug, Meningitis, Mice, Moles, MS (multiple sclerosis), Nature, Nits, Oil-seed rape, Pekingese, Pests, Pigeons, Rats, Ringworm, Slugs, Spiders, Squirrels, Tonsils, Tuberculosis, Woodlice
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