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Copyright & contact:
Gordon Judge, 1999 to present. Please contact me at if you'd like to use any of the poems.Thanks:
With thanks to my sources of inspiration: my wife and her Open University books; Horsham Geological Field Club, its speakers and field trips; my son for sharing his internet space; and, er, well, life, really.
Tag Archives: Quantum mechanics
Use both lanes
That’s what a sign at the entrance to a local supermarket’s car park asks you to do. We saw a parallel with the classic 2-slit experiment and decided to give it a go… The road into our Sainsbury’sBecame two lanes, … Continue reading
When QUANTUM comes to call
Tell it to go away! Continue reading
They seek him here, they seek him there . . . Continue reading
A short Planck
If there’s anything shorter, we wouldn’t be able to measure it. Continue reading
It’s a granular world
But it might help explain a real-life problem . . . Continue reading
The nick of time
Blink, and you’ve missed it Continue reading
A lousy trick
Quantum woodlice Continue reading
They seek him here, they seek him there… Continue reading
The electron
An identity crisis revealed Continue reading
Waves, particles, or what? Continue reading
Posted in GeoVerse
Tagged Electrons, Equations, Photons, Physics, Quantum mechanics, Schrödinger
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Schrödinger’s dog
Canine revenge Continue reading
Schrödinger’s cat
Cat-in-a-box Continue reading