Use both lanes

That’s what a sign at the entrance to a local supermarket’s car park asks you to do. We saw a parallel with the classic 2-slit experiment and decided to give it a go…

The road into our Sainsbury’s
Became two lanes, not one.
“Use both lanes”, said the signage – well,
We’ll try – it could be fun!

We’re like a lone electron,
Approaching a two-slit plate:
You cannot tell which way it goes
In its superpositional state
(So quantum theory says)
Until it decoheres
And emerges at the other side
The electron reappears!

So we’ll drive ahead and hope
That quantum rules apply…
Oh dear, we cannot do it,
However hard we try!

So, Sainsbury’s, if you like us,
Please let us use the middle.
Otherwise we’ll turn around
And try our luck at Lidl…

  • That’s because, in quantum terms, we’re much more complex than a single, isolated, electron.


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